SHPE National Member
- Access opportunites such as internships, scholarships and award nominations
- Assistance in securing the right job after college
- Executive board members voting and opportunity to run for executive board positions
- Upload your résumé to the OneSHPE portal, which can be viewed by many corporate representatives
- Professional development and leadership training to give students a competitive advantage upon graduation
- Networking opportunities with high profile professionals, fellow students, corporate representatives, and SHPE leaders
SHPE (NEU Chapter)
- Weekly Study Sessions: Tuesdays from 7-8 pm in the CIE (Curry 144)
- Interview/Resume Tips: SHPE offers mock interviews and resume critiques across different engineering disciplines! Submit your resume to our booklet!
- Major Company Connections: We act as the bridge between employers and students with major companies across all engineering fields.
- Co-op Network: Many of our members have done co-ops across a wide range of industries and would love to answer any questions you may have!
Northeastern University
- Scholarships: Northeastern offers various scholarship opportunities to undergraduate students. Many guaranteed for up to eight semesters.
- Library Services: Snell Library has web and other network-based resources, including the Northeastern University Libraries Information System (NULIS), which provides access to the library’s online catalog and other databases and services.
- RESNet/Computing: General access computer labs provide free access to hundreds of PCs, Macs, and laptops in Snell Library and the Curry Student Center.
- Writing Center: Writing Center tutors are experienced graduate students and writing teachers who work with students on every aspect of the writing process.
- Academic Catalog: The MyNortheastern Academic Guide is the one-stop-shop for all the necessary resources for academic assistance.
College of Engineering
- COE Tutoring: Tutoring offers a wide variety of tutoring services to meet the academic needs of Northeastern undergraduate students taking courses in the COE.
- COE Events Calendar: Keep up with COE Events to broaden academic knowledge and foster valuable networking opportunities.
- COE Academic Advising: Professional academic advisors in the COE are available to provide support, advice, and referral services for any academic concerns.
- First Year Engineering: The First Year Engineering Program inspires students in their pursuit of an engineering education by fostering a diverse and inclusive learning community centered around project-based experiential learning.
- Khoury Scholarships: While SHPE consists of mainly COE students, Khoury students are more than welcome! Khoury offers multiple scholarships to financially assist undergraduates at NEU.
SHPE Mock Interviews
Are you applying to coops?
Do you need extra interview practice?
Fill out this form to be matched with a SHPE member to do a mock interview with you!